Tropical White has a white background with heavy grey, black and red veins running through its surface.
This stone has a unique shape that gives a sense of luxury and elegance to any place put in.
Granite Granite LTD
Granite Granite are industry leaders in supplying superior quality natural stones, throughout the UK. We have spent two decades collating
and curating our premiere collections of marble, granite, and quartz slabs. We aim to bring our clients the top tier of artisanship, providing
natural stone finishes for your home or property. Shop Granite Granite for interior and exterior stone finishes. Use our natural stone for
cladding, as a tile indoors or outdoors, and for work surfaces. Our exceptional range of premium stones matches every taste level and style.
Peruse our stone slabs today whether you are shopping for a construction project or your own home.
White, an inherently positive colour, also is associated with purity, virginity, innocence, light, softness, and perfection. Moreover, the colour
white can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. As the opposite of black, movies, books, print media,
and television typically depict the good guy in white and the bad guy in black. A white picket fence surrounds a safe and happy home.
A polished finish has a glossy surface that reflects light and draws attention to the stone’s colour and veins. This implies that the intricacies,
colours, tints, and vein structure of the stone stand out more, emphasizing the stone’s inherent qualities. Because it reflects light and appears
more saturated, a high-polish treatment will bring out the stone’s inherent colour to its maximum potential.
Natural Granulate
These are surfaces with a predominant grain size of greater than 0.075 mm (more than 50%). Quartz, feldspar, and calcite are the most
common thick-grained or granular surfaces, with sulfates, salts, and volcanic pitchstone being less common.
Granite has been the material of choice for residential residences over the last several decades since it can provide the full beauty of natural
stone with its distinct and often exotic features, as well as durability, strength, and endurance. It will also add value to any home where it is
put. Because granite has relatively little calcium, it does not etch in the same manner that marble does when exposed to high amounts of
acidity, such as that found in lemons, oranges, and other acidic foods. Granite is a typical felsic intrusive igneous rock with granular and
phaneritic texture. Depending on their composition, granites can be primarily white, pink, or grey in hue. The term “granite” is derived from
the Latin granum, which means “grain,” and refers to the coarse-grained structure of such a holocrystalline rock. Granite is an igneous rock
that contains at least 20% quartz and up to 65% alkali feldspar by volume.
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